Please register for the conference here the registration is closed

There is a limited amount of single rooms available for workshop attendants. Please therefore consider early registration, and do let us know in case you would be willing to share a room (two beds, or more). We are also more than happy to group people together following your input, in case you know each other and want to share a room. In all cases registering as early as possible, indicating your room preferences, would be greatly appreciated.


The conference fees (per person) are:



Category 1 (single room)

Category 2 (double room)

Regular  fee

 950,00 € 

800,00 €


Student special fee (to be applied for)


500,00 €


These fees include conference registration and fee, accommodation including full board, coffee breaks, the conference dinner, a conference folder, and bus transfers from Innsbruck to Obergurgl on the first day and back to Innsbruck on the last day.


The workshop will start Tuesday evening and last until Sunday morning. Two buses will be organised to transport participants to the workshop site on Tuesday, and back to Innsbruck on Sunday. On Tuesday, the first bus will leave from Innsbruck main station at 14:00, and will take two to three hours to reach the conference site Obergurgl, with stops at Innsbruck airport and the train station Oetztal. The second bus will do the same tour, starting at 16:00 from the main train station Innsbruck.

We need to keep track of all participants arrival times, so please let us via registration tool know when you would be arriving and where (Innsbruck train station, Airport, Oetztal train station).


Important dates 2015 / 2016:


July 30 - December 31, 2015

Submission of titles / abstracts via conference tool

January 11, 2016

Notifaction of accepted participants (maximum 60).

In case of more than 60 accepted submissions the remaining participants will be notified to be on a waiting list

January 11 - 25, 2016

Registration and payment of accepted participants

January 25, 2016

Registration and payment deadline

January 25 - 27, 2016 (new!)

Waiting list notification and registration

If no payment is received from an accepted participant by January 25 this participant  will be removed from the list and replaced by a participant from the waiting list. New accepted participants will be notified.