Recurrent Jets Observed by IRIS and SDO/AIA

Nai-Hwa Chen (Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung)

Abstract. Simultaneous observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), consisting of spectra and slit-jaw images (SJI), and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) give vital information on jet dynamics in different layers of solar atmosphere. A series of jets, from the small bipole pairs beside the trailing spot of active region 11991 are observed as they crossed the IRIS slit. The images show standard-type jets: collimated outflows with bright roots in AIA 304 Å (chromosphere), SJI 1400 Å (transition region) and AIA 171 Å (lower corona). During some ejections outward-moving darkening clouds covered the jets in EUV but not in the FUV images. The IRIS Si IV spectra, which are sensitive to transition region plasma, show strong blue-wing but no red-wing enhancements in the line profiles of the ejecta for all recurrent jets indicating the outward flows without twist. At the base regions of the jets, the associated flux is converging, emerging and eventually cancelling throughout the recurrent-jet period.


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