Solar Chromospheric Detector at Lomnicky Stit Observatory for measurements of solar magnetic and velocity fields

Aleš Kučera (Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences)

Abstract. We report on Solar Chromospheric Detector (SCD) instrument mounted at the Double Solar Coronagraph at Lomnicky Stit Observatory and working simultaneously with Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter. The SCD is a single beam instrument designed and developed for measurements of velocity and magnetic fields in prominent spectral lines of the solar chromosphere, mainly for eruptive events. It is a combination of a tunable 5-stage Lyot filter and a polarimeter. It will allow measurements of 7 pre-selected spectral lines. Spectral resolution of the SCD birefringent filter ranges from 0.44 nm for observations of the HeI 587 nm line up to 1.67 nm in case of the HeI 1083 nm. A spatial resolution of 1.5 arcseconds and temporal resolution of 10 seconds are expected in practice for a full scan of particular spectral line. Technical parameters, functionality and capability of the SCD are reported.


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