The Dynamics of Small-Scale Halpha Structures in the Solar Chromosphere

David Kuridze (Astrophysics Research Centre, Queen’s University Belfast)

Abstract. The highly inhomogeneous chromosphere consists of many fine-scale, short-lived plasma features, such as limb spicules, on-disk mottles, fibrils, rapid redshifted and blueshifted excursions. These jet-like plasma features, formed near the network boundaries, can protrude into the transition region and low corona and act as conduits for channeling energy and mass from the solar photosphere into the upper solar atmosphere. In my talk I will present a high resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations of the solar small-scale structures in the chromospheric Halpha line. I will overview the basic results that are obtained from the observations about properties, dynamics and energetics (e.g., formation mechanism(s), evolution, physical parameters, oscillation properties e.t.c.,) of these structures.

Contributed Talk